Read this first!

OBRC cannot give guidance for your IBCLC career.

The OBRC staff can only answer questions about the OBRC Pathway 3 (P3) Program.

Start your research of our Program by reviewing all information on our Education page (below) and Program requirements page. 

Send all questions about the OBRC P3 Program to:

Please use the below options to help you find if Pathway 1, 2 or 3 is best for you.

Which pathway is best for me? By Lactation Education Resources

Use this directory to find the IBLCE coordinator who can assist you. 

Required Education Checklist

Please first review IBLCE's Pathway 3 Plan Guide. This guide outlines all requirements to start and complete a Pathway 3 program.

At OBRC, we help prepare the next generation of lactation consultants by providing our own Pathway 3 Clinical Training program. This program helps those who qualify to obtain clinical experience hours through our 4-month, full-time, clinical rotation schedule. Trainees will gain experience in a variety of settings including: inpatient and outpatient areas, Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU), the Oklahoma Mothers’ Milk Bank, as well as clinics out in the community. Completion of the OBRC P3 Program fulfills the clinical training requirement to be eligible to sit for the exam put forth by the International Board of Lactation Consultant Examiners (IBLCE) for designation as an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC). 

If you DO NOT work in one of the below facilities where you can obtain on the job clinical practice hours, then our program may be the one for you!  


  • Hospital
  • Birth Center
  • Community Clinic
  • Lactation Care Clinic/Practice
  • Primary Care Practitioner’s Practice/Office

Requirement #1 - General Education

OBRC requires passing grades in all education classes/certifications before you can sit for an interview.

  • OBRC prefers applicants to have an Associate's Degree or an equivalent number of college credits (60 credit hours or more)
    • Note: Completion of all required courses and certifications IS considered an equivalent number of credits.

Requirement #2 - Health Educaiton

You must have received passing grades in the below 14 courses/subjects/certifications required by IBLCE. Classes in BOLD type are preferred. However, the additional classes listed are also accepted in lieu of the classes in bold. If your class is not listed, click here to be directed to IBLCEs Health Education Guide to review the course descriptions to help you determine if your class meets IBLCE requirements. 

  1. Biology or Introductory Biology, General Biology, Fundamentals of Biology, Life Science or Human Biology.
  2. Human Anatomy or Introductory Human Anatomy, Fundamentals of Human Anatomy & Physiology or Human Biology.
  3. Human Physiology or Principles of Human Physiology, Fundamentals of Human Anatomy & Physiology or Human Biology.
  4. Infant and Child Growth and Development or Childhood Growth and Development, Early Childhood Development, Development of Infants and Toddlers, or Developmental Psychology.
  5. Introduction to Clinical Research or Introduction to Critical Inquiry and Research, Health Sciences Research Methods, Statistics for Health Professionals, Introductory Statistics, Public Health Research and Methods or Ethics and the Responsible Conduct of Research.
  6. Nutrition or Principles of Human Nutrition, Introduction to the Nutritional Sciences, or Biochemistry 101.
  7. Psychology or Counselling Skills or Communication Skills or Basic Concepts in Psychology, Introduction to PsychologyApplied PsychologyFoundations of Interpersonal Communication, Health Communication or Consumer-Provider Health Communication.
  8. Sociology or Cultural Sensitivity or Cultural Anthropology or Introductory Sociology, Elements of Sociology, Cultural Competency, or Introduction to Cultural Anthropology.
  9. Medical Documentation
  10. Medical Terminology
  11. Occupational Safety and Security for Health Professionals
  12. Professional Ethics for Health Professionals
  13. Universal Safety Precautions and Infection Control
  14. Certification in Basic Life Support

Requirement #3 - Lactation Education

  1. 95 Hours of Lactation Specific Education (this must include 5 hours of Communication Education)
  2. Certificate of Completion MUST be provided before the first day of your 4-month rotation.
  3. We recommend Lactation Education Resources, GOLD Learning or any LEAARC certified program

Have all requirements?

If you have transcripts, certificates and/or recognized license to show your completion of the listed courses, click here to be directed to the Program Checklist.

Why are these courses/certifications required?

All health education requirements are set by IBLCE as requirements to sit for the IBCLC exam.

Click here to be directed to IBLCE's site to learn more about these education requirements.