Free! Breastfeeding Classes for Health Care Staff

Public & Private Classes Available!

Classes open to the public.

  • Currently scheduled classes are listed below .
  • Contact OBRC to book a private class.

Oklahoma Breastfeeding Resource Center programs are supported by a Title V Block Grant from the Maternal and Child Health Services of the OSDH

These activities have been submitted to the Midwest Multistate Division for approval to award contact hours. The Midwest Multistate Division is accredited as an approver of nursing continuing professional development by the American Nurses Credentialing Center's Commission on Accreditation.

2-day Class - Breastfeeding Basics & Beyond



This class teaches current evidence-based information and skills to support breastfeeding mothers and their children, during the prenatal, early postpartum periods and beyond, including topics such as milk production, dads/partners and the workplace.  We utilize various modes of learning, including pre and post self-assessments, videos, small group work, equipment demonstration, etc. Class participants will be evaluated for basic breastfeeding competencies 

This class is appropriate for hospital and clinic staff as well as health care professionals in community settings (e.g. doulas, peer counselors).

Upcoming Classes

OKC, OK Mar. 20 & 21, 2025

Tulsa, OK - Apr. 1 & 2, 2025

OBRC Reserves the right to cancel classes due to low registration. Class must have 10 or more confirmed attendees.

1-day Class - Breastfeeding Basics: Making Breastfeeding Easier



This class teaches health care staff current evidence-based information and skills to support breastfeeding mothers and their children, particularly during the prenatal and early postpartum periods. We utilize various modes of learning, including  videos, small group work, equipment demonstration, etc. Class participants will be evaluated for basic breastfeeding competencies 

This class is appropriate for hospital and clinic staff as well as health care professionals in community settings (e.g. doulas, peer counselors).

Upcoming Classes

Nothing Public Scheduled At This Time.

Contact OBRC to schedule a private, on-site training at your hospital!

OBRC Reserves the right to cancel classes due to low registration. Class must have 10 or more confirmed attendees.

1-day Class - Making Breastfeeding Easier for NICU Families



A modified version of our MBE class, this class teaches health care staff current evidence-based information and skills to support breastfeeding mothers and their children while in NICU. We utilize various modes of learning, including  videos, small group work, equipment demonstration, etc. Class participants will be evaluated for basic breastfeeding competencies


This class is appropriate for hospital and clinic staff as well as health care professionals in community settings (e.g. doulas, peer counselors).


Upcoming Classes

Nothing Public Scheduled At This Time. 

Contact OBRC to schedule a private, on-site training at your hospital!

OBRC Reserves the right to cancel classes due to low registration. Class must have 10 or more confirmed attendees.

These activities have been submitted to the Midwest Multistate Division for approval to award contact hours. The Midwest Multistate Division is accredited as an approver of nursing continuing professional development by the American Nurses Credentialing Center's Commission on Accreditation.

Book a Private Session!

In addition to the three advertised courses, OBRC staff can also come to your facility and provide various trainings to fit your needs.  Below is a short list of courses/lectures available.  If your lactation needs are not listed here, contact us to discuss other possibilities. Each training has a required minimum number of attendees, as well as host requirements. For more information, contact as at:

  • Lectures for physicians/providers
  • Presentations for hospital leadership on optimal hospital care
  • Baby-friendly skills training
  • Clinical skills sessions
  • Donor Human Milk lecture/workshop
  • Other specific topics as needed (e.g. skin to skin contact, prenatal education, etc)