“A mom called worried about taking a new daily medication, asking if it would hurt baby. I looked up the medication ingredients and she said, "you made my day and saved me from stopping breastfeeding!”

Photo provided by Elizabeth Gleese Photography

“Mom was experiencing engorgement & pain and baby was struggling to latch. I instructed her on reverse pressure softening and engorgement management. Later, mom called back advising she was feeling better and baby was able to latch.”

Photo provided by Elizabeth Gleese Photography

“Mom called with concerns of pumping while at work. She was afraid that she would have to wean baby. I educated her on different breast pump options.”

Photo provided by Elizabeth Gleese Photography

“I helped a mom create a “power pumping plan”. She noticed an increase in her milk supply and told us she is grateful that hotline team is serving moms in Oklahoma!”

Photo provided by Los Lazos de Lactancia

The Oklahoma Breastfeeding Hotline

Call: 1-877-271-MILK (6455)

Text: OK2BF to 61222 

Calling, texting or signing up for "Pre Check" by the Hotline is a free service to anyone. 

Our telehealth sessions are for Oklahoma residents only.

About the Oklahoma Breastfeeding Hotline (OBH)

  • The free OBH is available to talk or text, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days per year.
  • You do not have to live in Oklahoma to use this free service. 
  • The hotline is a call back system. Callers leave a message for a return call / text. 
  • For routine issues, callers are contacted that same day, during business hours 7:00am - 7:00pm. 
  • The Hotline is staffed by breastfeeding experts, International Board Certified Lactation Consultants (IBCLCs). 
  • For urgent issues, the IBCLC will be paged (24 hours a day) and will return your call within one hour. It is best to call & leave a message when you have urgent issues!

  • OBH is for breastfeeding families, pregnant families, health care providers, or anyone in need of breastfeeding support and information.
  • Translation services available!


Acerca de la línea directa de lactancia materna de Oklahoma (OBH)

  • El OBH gratuito está disponible para hablar o enviar mensajes de texto, las 24 horas del día, los 7 días de la semana, los 365 días del año.
  • No es necesario vivir en Oklahoma para utilizar este servicio gratuito. 
  • La línea directa es un sistema de devolución de llamadas. Las personas que llaman dejan un mensaje para devolverles la llamada o el mensaje de texto. 
  • Para problemas de rutina, nos comunicamos con las personas que llaman ese mismo día, durante el horario comercial de 7:00 a. m. a 7:00 p. m. 
  • La línea directa cuenta con expertos en lactancia, consultores en lactancia certificados por la Junta Internacional (IBCLC). 
  • Para problemas urgentes, se localizará al IBCLC (las 24 horas del día) y le devolveremos la llamada dentro de una hora. ¡Es mejor llamar y dejar un mensaje cuando tenga problemas urgentes!
  • OBH es para familias que amamantan, familias embarazadas, proveedores de atención médica o cualquier persona que necesite apoyo e información sobre la lactancia.
  • ¡Servicios de traducción disponibles!

About Our Team

Cassidy, RNC-OB, IBCLC

  • IBCLC since 2010
  • Hotline IBCLC since 2015
  • Has hospital care experience


Charissa, MS, IBCLC

  • IBCLC since 2010
  • Hotline IBCLC since 2011
  • Has hospital care experience


  • IBCLC since 2017
  • Hotline IBCLC since 2019
  • Has WIC experience
  • Manages the Hotline

Jessica, RN, IBCLC

  • IBCLC since 2015
  • Hotline IBCLC since 2021
  • Has hospital care experience


  • IBCLC since 2012
  • Hotline IBCLC since 2021
  • Has hospital care experience


  • IBCLC since 2008
  • Hotline IBCLC since 2009
  • Has hospital care & WIC experience
  • Passion for helping children who have special needs

Mariana, IBCLC

  • IBCLC since 2021
  • Hotline IBCLC since 2021
  • Has hospital care & WIC experience

Britney, RN, IBCLC

  • IBCLC Since 2022
  • Hotline IBCLC since 2022
  • Has hospital care & WIC experience