A free short interactive class with all the info parents need to know about breastfeeding!



¡Una clase interactiva corta y gratuita con toda la información que los padres necesitan saber sobre la lactancia materna!


News and Announcements

The Effectiveness of Virtual Lactation Support - Review & Analysis

The World Health Organization recommends lactation support to enhance the rates of exclusive breastfeeding. Access to in person lactation support may be limited due to scarcity of resources (e.g., healthcare professionals) and geography. Advances in technology have allowed lactation supports to be offered virtually through information and communication technologies (i.e., telephone, internet, and social media).

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Infant Formula: A Personal Journey and an Evolution in Thinking

"I have learned that we all need to take a closer look at our experiences and exposures that may impact our unconscious biases, and approach corporate products and relationships with a healthy skepticism in the interest of the babies and families we care for."

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Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Gender-Inclusive Language

"Facilitating such specific research as opposed to homogenizing all caretakers into a neutral gender-inclusive groups would undoubtedly be more productive in the long run in furthering the acquisition of valid science-based data and meeting the legitimate needs of this community."

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Our Partners

Oklahoma Hospital Association Oklahoma Healthcare AuthorityOklahoma Mothers Milk Bank Office of Perinatal Quality Improvement Oklahoma State Department of Health Logo_COBA